The PayUnit REST API provides a relaxed interface for developers to make direct calls to the PayUnit payment aggregator.
The Payunit REST API requires the developer to have a server. This server must implement and expose a notification endpoint that will receive and process responses to payment transactions submitted by Payunit. Payunit expects this endpoint to receive a POST request with the payload data shown below.
status: 'SUCCESS',
statusCode: 200,
message: 'payment has been collected',
data: {
transaction_amount: 90000,
transaction_status: 'SUCCESS|FAILED|CANCELLED',
transaction_id: 'PU1672929285456',
purchaseRef: null,
notify_url: 'https://domaine.com/api/transaction/callback',
callback_url: 'https://domaine.com,
transaction_currency: 'XAF',
transaction_gateway: null,
message: 'payment has been collected'
Last updated on December 1, 2024