KYC (Know Your Customer)
The KYC are legal documents that allow us to know you better and protect your business, that we ask you, which will allow you to add payment methods to your application.
A. KYC levels
KYC validation is done by levels and by country. The different levels of KYC are :
This level will allow you to make payments with a mobile money type payment method (e.g. Orange Money for Cameroon).
This level will allow you to make payments with all the payment methods available in the platform for the country concerned.
B. KYC submission
To submit your KYCs, go to the KYCs menu on your dashboard, then click on the Add KYC button.
KYC submission is done in 3 easy steps :
1- Fill in the basic informations about your business or company, then click on « Next ».
2- Provide informations on the promoter of your business, then click on « Next ».
3- Upload legal documents, And click on « Save KYC ».
After submitting KYC, You will wait until less than 72h., the time for us to check your informations before validating your KYC.
C. Edit KYC
After verification, your KYCs could be rejected because of missing, bad document, or any other reason.
Sometimes, it will be necessary for you to edit your KYCs. To modify your KYC, go to the KYCs menu on your dashboard, then click on the Edit KYC button.
The KYC form will be displayed with your informations already filled. You can edit them and click on « Next ».
Finally, upload the documents to update and click on « Save KYC »
After editing your KYCs, You will wait until less than 72h., the time for us to check your informations before validating your KYC changes.
D. KYC Validation
In order to make payments, you will be asked to provide certain legal documents in order to know you better. KYC validation is done by country and by level and at each level of KYC certain documents are required:
The documents required for KYC validation at LEVEL1 are:
Selfie: A selfie photo of you holding up your ID card (in PNG or clear JPG format).
ID card or Passeport: Personal identification (front and back in clear PDF format) of the merchant account representative.
The documents required for KYC validation at LEVEL2 are:
- All LEVEL1 documents (Selfie and ID card or passport)
- Registre du Commerce et du Crédit Mobilier (Certificate of Negotiation): The Merchant's Certificate of Negotiation (in clear PDF).
- The tax declaration: Submit the merchant's tax declaration (in clear PDF).
If you need more help, customization and use of payunit in saas,
Contact us
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